meet the coach

Hi, I'm Blair

As a coach I help give you a clear direction forward, allowing you toregain control and focus over your body and mind.

Being able to show people what they are capable of and seeing them realise this, it’s why I consider this to be the best job in the world.

Blair Johnston personal trainer

I am on a mission to help people become fitter, stronger and more in control of their lives. Transforming not only their physique but their confidence.

Transformation before and after photo of Blair Johnston

I always find it hard writing these sorts of things, I’ve never really been one to talk about myself in this way.

Which to be honest maybe has a little to do with my childhood, as a young teenager I was pretty overweight. I will admit my life wasn’t bad, there’s people out there who have had it worse than me. However, I went through my fair share of teasing and bullying during this stage. I mean come on, I was an easy target, Fat and Ginger it’s the best combo.

Over time it got to me, at the age of 15 I probably made one of the maturest decisions I have. Even though then I never knew it, I joined the gym. I had had enough, I knew that I had to do something and even though I didn’t know exactly what I had to do, I just knew I had to go there and do something.

The gym is healthy right? I mean, if I go it means weight loss. So off I went…. religiously. I went every day, using every piece of kit I was allowed, until I turned 16 and could get on the weight machines. I still had no clue, but things were changing. Unbeknown to me, my consistency was key. I began reading more about fitness, trying different routines eating different foods (again really having no clue).

I turned 17 ready to leave school, to go and study Mechanical Engineering, at the last minute I decided I would chase my new found passion of Fitness.

Fast forward almost 10 years from that decision, here I am. Coaching and helping people who are where I once was, out of control, lacking confidence, unsure on what to do and helping them regain that control and focus, giving them a clear direction forward.

I will not lie; I genuinely think there is no job in the world like this.

My passion grows all the time. There is nothing better than to see a client walk through the door at the beginning, unhappy and lacking confidence to then see them leave weeks or months down the line with a new lease on life. Smiling, confident and happy within their own skin.  

That right there. That is why I do this. Being able to show people what they are capable of and seeing them realise this, it’s why I consider this to be the best job in the world.

Blair Johnston personal trainer smiling

If you can relate to how I once was; lost, confused, knowing you have to do something about it. Yet unsure on what that exactly is. Then get in touch, it’s the first step in helping me to help you. 

Every single person deserves to be confident in their own skin and wear a smile across their face.