Online coaching

Next Level

Our aim is simple, to help you regain control of your life, focussing on training, nutrition and mindset. We want to take you to the Next Level, a level you probably thought was unreachable.
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Blair Johnston personal trainer lifting weights in the gym

Online coaching is for anyone

A lot of people can easily assume that this service, is only for people who “know” what they are doing. I am here to tell you that is wrong.

Anyone, who is willing to change can reap amazing benefits from Online Coaching.

Accountability is a huge factor on the Raise the Bar programme. We here want to hold you accountable to a higher level than you currently hold yourself.

Transforming your physique, while at the same time giving you control back over your life. Giving you a crystal clear vision on where you are going.

Educating you on the way, so you know why you are doing what you are and implementing what you are.

This programme, isn’t just about transforming your body, its about levelling up your life. Taking back that control, overflowing that self confidence, allowing you to believe in yourself, showing you what you are really capable of.

I will never hide the facts from anyone. There's a lot of ownership on you. To do what you said you would. To act how you promised you would.

If you can do those two things, then you have all the tools you need to turn things around.

All you need to do now, is click on that button below and let me take care of the rest.

Apply For online coaching

so What's included?

Weight icon
Training Programmes
Nutrition icon
Nutrition advice
Feedback icon
Weekly check-in & feedback
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Access to the Team J Members Hub
Macronutrient goals icon
Macronutrient goals
Monthly updates icon
Monthly updates

Client Transformations



Blair helped me find answers to who I was and what I wanted. He gave me direction on what I wanted...


Clare Dawson

Clare Dawson

Blair is great to work with and I would highly recommend him to anyone wanting to get fitter, healthier or lose a bit of weight.


Ryan Macindoe

Ryan Macindoe

Knowing I had Blair to coach and train me, I knew he was going to get me to where I needed to be!


Martin Brum

Martin Brum

I've always been fairly active in the gym and thought I was eating the right things for a long time but always seemed to hit a plateau.


Laurie Fell

Laurie Fell

I started my Journey with Blair in January 2020 and from Day one I knew it was the best decision I had ever made.


Joel McLeod

Joel McLeod

From this entire experience, I have learned so much about myself, training and nutrition.


Christopher Cole

Christopher Cole

I'm now more confident than ever before not just in what I do in the gym and to how I approach my workouts, but the confidence in my own skin...

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Blair helped me find answers to who I was and what I wanted. He gave me direction on what I wanted...

Clare Dawson

Clare Dawson

Blair is great to work with and I would highly recommend him to anyone wanting to get fitter, healthier or lose a bit of weight.

Ryan Macindoe

Ryan Macindoe

Knowing I had Blair to coach and train me, I knew he was going to get me to where I needed to be!

Martin Brum

Martin Brum

I've always been fairly active in the gym and thought I was eating the right things for a long time but always seemed to hit a plateau.

Laurie Fell

Laurie Fell

I started my Journey with Blair in January 2020 and from Day one I knew it was the best decision I had ever made.

Joel McLeod

Joel McLeod

From this entire experience, I have learned so much about myself, training and nutrition.

Christopher Cole

Christopher Cole

I'm now more confident than ever before not just in what I do in the gym and to how I approach my workouts, but the confidence in my own skin...


Do I need to be able to train 5 days per week?
Do I get training plans?
What if I have a holiday? Will this affect the plan?
How much support will I get?
Will I receive a meal plan?
Do I need to have a gym membership to begin coaching?
How fast will I see results?
How much does coaching cost?