Joel McLeod

27 Weeks (Due to Covid)
To get into the best shape of his life

I started training with and being coached by Blair at the end of 2019. I had been going to the gym for a number of years, just learning bits and pieces as I went but never actually knowing what I was doing. Blair offered me the chance to take part in a 12 week cut with a photoshoot at the end. I had never done anything like this before and had no idea what it would entail other than just trying to lose fat. Blair was absolutely fantastic, explaining things in as much detail as possible in ways I would understand, not just using scientific terms and jargon. This cut ended up lasting almost 6 months due to Covid-19 and the progress I made was mind blowing. The entire way I had Blair supporting me entirely, educating me and encouraging me in every step. The way he balanced instructing me with keeping me independent and accountable was exactly what I needed to not rely on Blair and understand that my progress was down to me. This year has been full of life changes for me, and the hardest year I've ever had, and training with Blair has been the highlight of my year.

From this entire experience I have learned so much about myself, training and nutrition. My friends and family were amazed at my results and asked me how I did it. All I could do was say I had Blair to thank for it, but I know Blair wouldn't take credit for it, which goes to show the type of guy he is.

There are plenty coaches that know what they're doing but none would get the results Blair does because I can't imagine others have the same passion and tempo in their coaching as Blair does.

I have come across former clients of Blairs who accredit him for their love of health and fitness, and even having inspired some to pursue their own career in the industry.

Blairs enthusiasm and loyalty to me throughout this year has been incredible, he somehow turns any negative into a positive as an opportunity to learn and improve. His passion is infectious and he sees the best version of everyone, doing everything he can to help them see that side of themselves.

Blair gave me the best body I have ever had. He's taught me and guided me through the entire process and I can't thank him enough. One of the best experiences of my life and I couldn't ask for a friendlier or more understanding coach. My self confidence in both my physical appearance and my self belief is grown massively and I have Blair to thank for that.



Blair helped me find answers to who I was and what I wanted. He gave me direction on what I wanted...


Clare Dawson

Clare Dawson

Blair is great to work with and I would highly recommend him to anyone wanting to get fitter, healthier or lose a bit of weight.


Ryan Macindoe

Ryan Macindoe

Knowing I had Blair to coach and train me, I knew he was going to get me to where I needed to be!


Martin Brum

Martin Brum

I've always been fairly active in the gym and thought I was eating the right things for a long time but always seemed to hit a plateau.


Laurie Fell

Laurie Fell

I started my Journey with Blair in January 2020 and from Day one I knew it was the best decision I had ever made.


Christopher Cole

Christopher Cole

I'm now more confident than ever before not just in what I do in the gym and to how I approach my workouts, but the confidence in my own skin...

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Blair helped me find answers to who I was and what I wanted. He gave me direction on what I wanted...

Clare Dawson

Clare Dawson

Blair is great to work with and I would highly recommend him to anyone wanting to get fitter, healthier or lose a bit of weight.

Ryan Macindoe

Ryan Macindoe

Knowing I had Blair to coach and train me, I knew he was going to get me to where I needed to be!

Martin Brum

Martin Brum

I've always been fairly active in the gym and thought I was eating the right things for a long time but always seemed to hit a plateau.

Laurie Fell

Laurie Fell

I started my Journey with Blair in January 2020 and from Day one I knew it was the best decision I had ever made.

Christopher Cole

Christopher Cole

I'm now more confident than ever before not just in what I do in the gym and to how I approach my workouts, but the confidence in my own skin...